Being Brave with Sasha Lipskaia: Shannah White on coming back to, and living from the Heart
In this episode, Sasha Lipskaia speaks with Shannah White, who is a powerful Superhumanity Coach and mentor at Sacred Reality and entrepreneur.
We discuss God, Love, honoring our truth, spiritual growth, and our journey to finding the Self through connecting to our heart.
Sasha Lipskaia
Sasha Lipskaia. M.A. is an ICF-certified intuitive life coach, Reiki Master, and marketing and sales consultant. She helps intuitive, high-achieving leaders like you, feel empowered to create a life of health, prosperity, and joy by activating your infinite potential. Sasha is proud to currently be working as a lead instructor, VP of marketing and sales, and success coach at the Atmana Coaching Academy, helping other coaches and healers walk into their purpose and build true wealth while at it!
Sasha is also an artist, speaker, wellness coach, and you can find more of her work on her YouTube channel, and the “Being Brave with Sasha Lipskaia” Podcast.