
Finding the spiritual strength to hold my noodles during a health crisis - Depicts a very Zen-looking bowl of spaghetti and meatballs

At this time of my life, I was working with the lessons in A Course in Miracles, and I had built up a discipline of suspending my judgements, which therefore created space for the Holy Spirit to have enough room to allow me to receive and be bestowed with miracles. I had come...Read more

Waking up from the ego's idea of love, depicted by a ripples on water showing our center causing the reflected images of the physical world to break up

Since my last writing, it has been significantly more natural for me to remain in feeling touch with my core. This is specifically because, in my last writing, pieces that I had wrong for decades I put together correctly at last. I recognized that imaging… my own...Read more

Soul Rage: Wrestling the Ego's Idea of Love, represented by a candle with a wavy flame

Through my self-reflections of late, I have become awake to that fact that, as a pattern inside me, I often feel like I am an add-on or an afterthought in relationships with people who I consider close. I recognize that I set myself up to feel this way because I give the initiative for...Read more