
The Math of Manifestation - Illustration of meditation with colors and geometric patterns surrounding a meditating figure

Many years ago, I used to travel often from upstate NY to Manhattan, to see massage clients. These trips were very long days for me, but they paid really well. And I since I also enjoyed my profession, I was grateful for the work, even though these excursions to NYC could be...Read more

The Playfulness of Spirit: Manifestation with a Sense of Humor - Red Tie, Brown Shirt

A few years ago, we had the very first Hudson Valley Tango Festival ever. It became the first and only tango festival to be held in my home city – just a twenty-minute drive from my house!

It was three days of tango workshops all day and tango social dancing with performances in...Read more

Perfectly blue skies on the drive to the massage center

A few years back, I was working as a massage therapist at an upscale retreat center in the Catskills. One summer day, I was driving to work, off to give a “couple’s massage” …a type of massage done with another therapist and two clients, side-by-side. With my sunroof open and my...Read more

Finding the spiritual strength to hold my noodles during a health crisis - Depicts a very Zen-looking bowl of spaghetti and meatballs

At this time of my life, I was working with the lessons in A Course in Miracles, and I had built up a discipline of suspending my judgements, which therefore created space for the Holy Spirit to have enough room to allow me to receive and be bestowed with miracles. I had come...Read more

Manifestation is Communication - Herbal tea for two symbolizes a shared journey of co-creativity

I have always pondered manifestation from the perspective of myself focused on manifesting some thing or other that I wanted or needed: What’s the science of how I use my mind to manifest? What is that supposed to feel like inside my being? And what are my results? Did it work? And if...Read more

Black bear cub - by ArtTower, Pixabay

This particular morning, I was on my way to help my dad take down a dying tree that was leaning toward the house. On my way, I thought to myself that I would like to see a bear. And not just any bear… I wanted to see a bear cub!

As my drive started to wind through forested areas...Read more